Whale of a Time with Social Media

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FIRST EVER FABLE ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR STARTUPS AND BUSINESSES The digital revolution is undoubtedly the biggest shift since the industrial revolution, fast becoming the number one activity on the Internet. Billions of people around the world are now on social media. Today, news is broken not at the speed of light, but at the speed of social media. Many of us have taken to social media for personal use ? to upload pictures, share stories, to like or comment, view videos and tag friends. However, organizations have been wary of using social media or have used it for limited conversations. The question that troubles most of them is not on whether they should use social media or not, but how they can get most of it, with least costs involved. The aim of this book is to elaborate the potential of all forms of social media in helping organizations and to provide them with useful tips for applying it profitably. The book will help companies understand the limitless possibilities in which social media can contribute both strategically as well as in day-to-day operations of the business. This book, a fable, is for entrepreneurs to use social media in their workspace and grow their outlook and business. Read through the journey of the protagonist, a Dolphin named Merlo, as she uses social media to set up her enterprise. Deep dive into her experiences, draw parallels and use the practical suggestions and step-by-step guides that are embedded throughout the book for your business success.

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Deepa Jayaraman






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