The Stationery Shop of Tehran

Quick Overview

Follows teenager Roya as she discovers the power of love, loss, and then, decades later, fate.

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As the 1950s began, Iran was welcoming a revolution. Their new Prime Minister brought in numerous reforms. There was education, dance, art, and freedom. As is the case with every politician, he too had both – staunch supporters and enemies. For young Roya and Bahman who shared similar political ideologies, marriage was the imminent plan.

Roya, the dreamy teenager found comfort in the literary oasis that was Mr. Fakhri’s stationary shop. And Bahmain, the handsome young man with a rebellious streak, a passion for Rumi’s poetry, and a love for justice, was a regular customer at the stationary shop. It was there that their love blossomed and bloomed.

But there were people who didn’t want this to happen; for political and personal reasons. What started as a conflict between the pro-prime minister and anti-prime minister groups led to bloodshed. Needless to say, Bahman and Roya separated. What happens later is for you to read.

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Marjan Kamali




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