Tales From Panchtantra 1

Quick Overview

The Panchatantra Tales have been appealing to one and all for more than two and a half centuries.

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The Panchatantra Tales have been appealing to one and all for more than two and a half centuries. Based on earlier oral folk tradition, they were finally written in Sanskrit language around 3000 BC – as old as Rig Veda. The moral, at the end of every story, glorifies practical wisdom. Panchatantra is a union of two words – ‘Panch’ means five and ‘tantra’ means the way you act in a situation. According to an opinion, they were narrated by Lord Shiva to Parvati. The Panchatantra Tales in considered to be the origin of several stories in Arabian Nights, Sindbad, Buddhist Jataka Tales and many others. Moreover, animal fables are found in most cultures of the world and India is considered as the prime source. Vishnu Sharma, a scholar, told these tales to three stupid sons of an aged king to pass on wisdom to them in the form of stories, where animals speak like human beings. For the three stupid sons of an old king, these stories basically deal with state-craft. He is known only through the preface of the Panchatantra.

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Word Smith Publications






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