Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

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Review Relationship counselor John Gray focuses on the differences between men and women–men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, after all–and offers a simple solution: couples must acknowledge and accept these differences before they can develop happier relationships. In this unabridged version, Gray gives a spirited delivery of his message, especially when role-playing typical male/female interactions. Although it takes some time to adjust to his slightly nasal tone, the information is sound and gives both men and women helpful hints on improving themselves and their union. (Running time: 9.5 hours, 6 cassettes) “Devoted readers praise Mr. Gray as the saviour of their marriages and his book as the brick that finally knocks some sense into their mates” Washington Times “When I was 21 and freshly dumped by Harry, my first really grown-up boyfriend, where did I turn but John Gray’s Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus? It was reassuring to know the reason I’d been dumped wasn’t because I was rubbish in bed” New Woman “Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus has shed light on countless relationship problems, offering an explanation for many social inequalities!a hot topic of debate in households and offices throughout the world” Popular marriage counselor and seminar leader John Gray provides a unique, practical and proven way for men and women to communicate and relate better by acknowledging the differences between them. Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets. Using this metaphor to illustrate the commonly occurring conflicts between men and women, Gray explains how these differences can come between the sexes and prohibit mutually fulfilling loving relationships. Based on years of successful counseling of couples, he gives advice on how to counteract these differences in communication styles, emotional needs and modes of behavior to promote a greater understanding between individual partners. Gray shows how men and women react differently in conversation and how their relationships are affected by male intimacy cycles (“get close”, “back off”), and female self-esteem fluctuations (“I’m okay”, “I’m not okay”). He encourages readers to accept the other gender’s particular way of expressing love, and helps men and women learn how to fulfill each other’s emotional needs. With practical suggestions on how to reduce conflict, crucial information on how to interpret a partner’s behavior and methods for preventing emotional “trash from the past” from invading new relationships, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is a valuable tool for couples who want to develop deeper and more satisfying relationships with their partners. Book Description First published in 1993, this book has become an international publishing phenomenon and is one of the most famous non-fiction publications of all time. A lively and accessible guide to successful communication between the sexes that has already helped many millions of readers from across the globe understand why members of the opposite sex behave the way they do, this new edition contains all the text of the original, including: ? what makes members of the opposite sex tick ? how to understand their verbal and non-verbal language ? how to motivate the opposite sex and get what you want ? how to avoid arguments and promote fruitful communication ? how to score points with the opposite sex and impress your partner ? the real emotional needs of the opposite sex and the behaviours associated with these needs ? how to keep love alive and stay together long term This authoritative guide will help you reach a point of harmony and understanding where both sexes can live, work and love together. See all Description for Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

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John Gray




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