Look at The Colours of Life

Quick Overview

Everyone’s favourite, Ruskin Bond, shows us the colours that surround us and make our world so beautiful—a beauty we can see even as we sleep, in our dreams!

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Product Description

Beautiful and bright, soft and soothing—there are colours all around us, only if we stop to look at them. The bright blue sky, the dark green leaves, the happy pink of the candyfloss. Sometimes colours appear and disappear—like the sweeping yellow of a train’s lights. And sometimes colours are invisible, yet we can see them! Like the wind that teases colours from a leaf, or the rain that washes everything clean and makes them shinier.

Everyone’s favourite, Ruskin Bond, shows us the colours that surround us and make our world so beautiful—a beauty we can see even as we sleep, in our dreams!

Additional information

Weight 0.030 kg
Dimensions 22.4 × 21.5 × 0.8 cm

Ruskin Bond





Reading Age

5-10 years


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