Beginners Photography Guide (Dk)

Quick Overview

About the Author Chris Gatcum has been involved in photography for over two decades, working as a photographer, journalist and author. Like many aspiring photographers, his career started at college where a degree course taught him a wide range of skills and technologies, covering both studio and location work, large format photography through to the then-emerging digital technology, and, of course, Photoshop. He went on to work as a set-builder on a number of high-end advertising campaigns and as a photographer and retoucher, before joining the UK’s longest-standing photography magazine, Amateur Photographer, as technical writer. Magazines led to books and the rest as the clich? goes is history…


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About the Author Chris Gatcum has been involved in photography for over two decades, working as a photographer, journalist and author. Like many aspiring photographers, his career started at college where a degree course taught him a wide range of skills and technologies, covering both studio and location work, large format photography through to the then-emerging digital technology, and, of course, Photoshop. He went on to work as a set-builder on a number of high-end advertising campaigns and as a photographer and retoucher, before joining the UK’s longest-standing photography magazine, Amateur Photographer, as technical writer. Magazines led to books and the rest as the clich? goes is history…


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