A Love of Long Ago

Quick Overview

The book, A love of long Ago, is a compilation of seven love stories written by Ruskin Bond over the course of his career, more or less autobiographical in nature that takes you to a love rollercoaster riding on the mountains. He in his stories has explored the infinite spectrum of love with the sensitivity it deserves.

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Product Description

There are many stages of love—the first encounter, stolen glances, secret kisses, longing, and sometimes, heartbreak. Featuring classics like ‘Time Stops at Shamli’, ‘Who Kissed Me in the Dark?’ and ‘The Girl on the Train’, the heartwarming collection of stories in A Love of Long Ago captures the range of feelings that are indubitably part of the infinite spectrum of love.

Additional information

Weight 0.122 kg
Dimensions 19.7 × 13 × 0.76 cm

Ruskin Bond





Reading Age

6-12 years


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