Posts tagged “Reversal”

Diabetes Reversal / Management with  Nutrition and Diet

Normally individuals with preclinical diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance are found to have depleted antioxidants defense systems. Some researchers have concluded that antioxidants supplements should be added to traditional diabetic treatment as a way to reduce complications like Diabetic Retinopathy or diabetic neuropathy.

Antioxidants may improve insulin resistance. Some micronutrients are also required to reverse the situation. Like…

CHROMIUM is critical in the metabolism of Glucose and the action of insulin.

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Reversal of Metabolic Syndrome

Reversal of metabolic syndrome is possible if timely steps are taken!

Request you to please read my previous article on this topic to understand Metabolic Syndrome:

So, in the last article we discussed about what is Metabolic Syndrome, here is the solution.

METABOLIC SYNDROME, Diabetes Solutions. Since insulin resistance sets the stage for metabolic syndrome, testing of serum insulin would be the most effective means of diagnosis.

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Root cause of Diabetes and Reversal

Diabetes is very common now a days. Lets discuss the root cause of diabetes and reversals.


First, Syndrome X is a silent killer, you may get it and not know it.

Second, it is dangerous to your heart.

Third, it can be stopped or reversed.

Syndrome X begins with insulin resistance, when the cells in your body don’t respond to insulin as it should.

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