Posts tagged “Hope”

And, it ended.

Unknown people were they who, by fate, got connected by a narrow piece of thread. The thread that once promised to turn out into a full woven piece of fabric, the thread that once promised to connect each other’s world, now, lie there somewhere in the null, unattended and unseen.
Did they fall apart? What did actually happen? Where did they go wrong?They kept on thinking but neither of them found the path to their answers.

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“A Faded Hope”


Dream, the word that can change your life. But, sometimes, you couldn’t be the one to decide about your life. That is how we are right now. The less we are concerned about our lives, the more we give people a chance to decide about it. I saw many people coming in my way, coming with their stories, with their dreams, with their opinions, with their decisions, ‘where the hell am I in it?’ I kept thinking.

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