The City of Joy

Quick Overview

The story revolves around the trials and tribulations of a young Polish priest, Father Stephan Kovalski (a French priest named Paul Lambert in the original French version), the hardships endured by a rickshaw puller, Hasari Pal in Calcutta (Kolkata), India, and in the second half of the book, also the experiences of a …

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Product Description

In this inspiring work, Dominique Lapierre tells stories of extraordinary love and heroism – performed by ordinary people. Deep within one of the poorest sections of Calcutta, Lapierre found that this city, which produced Mother Teresa, had many other selfless inhabitants. Hear about a Polish Catholic priest who came to share and ease the plight of the impoverished, an American doctor who came to treat people who were without medical resources, and an Assamese nurse who became an Angel of Mercy to the afflicted. Best selling author Lapierre has woven these amazing stories into an epic tale of human benevolence and hope.

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Dominique Lapierre






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